My first fantasy novel, titled “Rise of the Raven“, was released in the spring of 2011, and it is available as a Kindle e-book or paperback at Amazon.
“Rise of the Raven” is a book I started writing many years ago with a former co-worker. We spent a lot of time working on developing the story and trying to get publishers interested in it. We had a couple of publishers that seemed to be a little interested, but nothing really came of it. Then in the fall of 2010, I came across a typewritten copy of the manuscript and decided to scan it and start rewriting it. A few months later, I had it ready to publish.
Since it came out, “Rise of the Raven” has done moderately well. I haven’t done a whole lot to promote it to date, mainly because I was busy writing my next book. In spite of that, I got a few reviews and started seeing people taking an interest in it. One of the overwhelmingly consistent comments I saw was that the book starts out really slowly. I absolutely agree, and as a result, I worked on revamping the first few chapters, and the version that is available now reflects those changes.
I have recently completed the full outlines for two follow-up books that will complete a trilogy featuring these same characters.
In addition to this, I released another fantasy novel titled “Three for Avadar“, in the summer of 2011. This was a book that came about as an idea a few years earlier. Once I finished “Rise of the Raven”, I already had the outline and character breakdowns finished for this book, and I was amazed at how well the writing went on it. I finished writing it in just a few months, and it followed closely on the heels of my first book. This book follows a completely different set of characters and has a different setting. I have finished the full outlines for two additional books that will complete a trilogy. The next book in this series is titled “Two From Avadar“, and I am currently working on completing it.
© 2019, Steven R. Drennon. All rights reserved.